Search Results
2. Alternatives to Investor-State Dispute Settlement
3. Investment Treaties, Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Inequality: How International Rules and Institutions Can Exacerbate Domestic Disparities
4. Legal Frameworks and Foreign Investment: A Primer on Governments' Obligations
5. Mechanisms for Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent in the Negotiation of Investment Contracts
6. Securing Adequate Legal Defense in Proceedings under International Investment Agreements: A Scoping Study
7. The Policy Implications of Third-Party Funding in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
8. The Design of Financial Statements
9. New York Hearts Tech: Tech in the City Under Bloomberg
10. Chile's outward FDI and its policy context
11. Education Needs Assessment for Blantyre City, Malawi
12. FDI incentives pay—politically
13. Foreign direct investment and U.S. national security: CFIUS under the Obama Administration
14. Gender Needs Assessment for Blantyre City, Malawi
15. Gender Needs Assessment for Louga City, Senegal
16. Gender Needs Assessment for Mekelle City, Ethiopia
17. German outward FDI and its policy context
18. How BRIC MNEs Deal with International Political Risk
19. International investment law and media disputes: a complement to WTO law
20. Inward FDI in Argentina and its policy context
21. Inward FDI in Canada and its policy context
22. Inward FDI in Colombia and its policy context
23. Inward FDI in Germany and its policy context
24. Inward FDI in India and its policy context
25. Inward FDI in Ireland and its policy context
26. Inward FDI in Peru and its policy context
27. Inward FDI in Poland and its policy context
28. Is a model EU BIT possible—or even desirable?
29. It's time for an EU Investment Promotion Agency
30. Mining for facts: PacRim Cayman LLC v. El Salvador
31. Norwegian outward FDI and its policy context
32. Outward FDI from Canada and its policy context
33. Outward FDI from Hungary and its policy context
34. Outward FDI from India and its policy context
35. Political risk insurance and bilateral investment treaties: a view from below
36. Swiss inward FDI and its policy context
37. Swiss outward FDI and its policy context
38. The response to the global crisis and investment protection: evidence
39. Thinking twice about a gold rush: Pacific Rim v El Salvador
40. Ukraine's inward FDI and its policy context
41. U.S. BITs and financial stability
42. U.S. outward FDI: Current flows lowered in weakened global economy but attraction of emerging markets remains
43. Will China relocate its labor-intensive factories to Africa, flying-geese style?
44. Accounting for Intangible Assets: There Is Also an Income Statement
45. A new geography of innovation—China and India rising
46. An Overview of the Main Environmental Issues Affecting Kisumu and Lake Victoria's Winam Gulf
47. Are SWFs Welcome Now?
48. Assessing Infrastructure Constraints on Business Activity in Blantyre, Malawi
49. A Water and Sanitation Needs Assessment for Mekelle City, Ethiopia
50. Bamboo Bicycles in Kisumu, Kenya
51. Can the U.S. Remain an Attractive Host for FDI in the Auto Industry? New Labor Policy and Flexible Production
52. Education Needs Assessment for Kaduna City, Nigeria
53. Education Needs Assessment for Mekelle City, Ethiopia
54. Financial Meltdown and the Redesign of the International Financial Architecture: A Brief Note for the Meeting on 24 April 2009
55. Foreign Direct Investment in Blantyre, Malawi: Opportunities and Challenges
56. Health Needs Assessment for Louga City, Senegal
57. Health Needs Assessment for Mekelle City, Ethiopia
58. Improving infrastructure or lowering taxes to attract foreign direct investment?
59. Indian FDI falls in global economic crisis: Indian multinationals tread cautiously
60. International Investment Arbitration: Winning, Losing and Why
61. Investment Opportunities in Mekelle, Tigray State, Ethiopia
62. Land grab or development opportunity? International farmland deals in Africa
63. National Security with a Canadian Twist: The Investment Canada Act and the New National Security Review Test
64. Outward investment by Trans-Latin enterprises: reasons for optimism
65. Russian outward FDI and its policy context
66. Sovereign wealth funds: much ado about some money
67. The global economic crisis and FDI flows to emerging markets
68. The Global Financial Crisis: Will State Emergency Measures Trigger International Investment Disputes?
69. The growth of Brazil's direct investment abroad and the challenges it faces
70. The Power of Transparency
71. The Revised National Security Review Process for FDI in the US
72. The Subject Matter of Financial Reporting: The Conflict Between Cash Conversion Cycles and Fair Value in the Measurement of Income
73. Tragic Choices: Autonomy and Emotional Responses to Medical Decisions
74. While global FDI falls, China's outward FDI doubles
75. Assessing Infrastructure Constraints on Business Activity in Kisumu, Kenya
76. Assessing Infrastructure Constraints on Business Activity in Kumasi, Ghana
77. Creativity as a Matter of Choice: Prior Experience and Task Instruction as Boundary Conditions for the Positive Effect of Choice on Creativity
78. Credit Default Swaps: The Key to Financial Market Reform
79. Development Oriented Tax Policy
80. Does Fertility Respond to Financial Incentives?
81. Doha: The Last Mile
82. Education Needs Assessment for Kisumu City, Kenya
83. Fiscal Policy and Workouts from Debt Crises: The Case of Indonesia's Domestic Debt
84. Good Growth and Governance for Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies: Introduction and Overview
85. How the Food Crisis Could Solve the Doha Round
86. Human Development Advocacy for Debt Relief, Aid, and Governance
87. Introduction to "Privatization: Successes and Failures"
88. Kumasi Marketing Strategy: Tourism
89. Leverage and Asset Bubbles: Averting Armageddon with Chapter 11?
90. Obama's Free-Trade Credentials Top Clinton's
91. Principles for the Application of Fair Value Accounting
92. Scaling Up Primary Education Services in Rural Tamil Nadu: Public Investment Requirements and Reform
93. Scaling Up Primary Health Services in Rural Tamil Nadu: Public Investment Requirements and Health Sector Reform
94. The FDI recession has begun
95. The Mere Categorization Effect: How the Presence of Categories Increases Choosers' Perceptions of Assortment Variety and Outcome Satisfaction
96. The Role of Preventative Capital Account Regulations
97. The Selfish Hegemon Must Offer a New Deal on Trade
98. Time to Rethink Sovereign Bankruptcy: A New Role for the IMF?
99. Why the Code of Conduct for Resolving Sovereign Debt Crises Falls Short
100. AFL-CIO Aims to Capture Congress on Financial, Not Intellectual, Grounds
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