1. Stability of anhysteretic remanent magnetization in fine and coarse magnetite and maghemite particles Johnson, H. P.; Lowrie, William; Kent, Dennis V. 1975 Articles GeologyGeomorphology
2. Franciscan Complex limestone deposited at 17° South paleolatitude Alvarez, Walter; Kent, Dennis V.; Silva, Isabella Premoli; Schweickert, Richard A.; Larson, Roger A. 1980 Articles Geomorphology
3. Upper Precambrian (Eocambrian) Mineral Fork Tillite of Utah: A Continental Glacial and Glaciomarine Sequence: Discussion and Reply Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Ojakangas, Richard W.; Matsch, Charles L. 1982 Articles GeologyGeomorphologyPlate tectonics
4. Upper Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian Rocks of the Sheeprock Mountains, Utah: Regional Correlation and Significance Christie-Blick, Nicholas 1982 Articles GeomorphologyGeologyMineralogy
5. Evidence for Two Pulses of Glaciation during the Late Proterozoic in Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho Crittenden Jr., Max D.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Link, Paul Karl 1983 Articles GeomorphologyGeologyGeology, Stratigraphic
6. Structural Geology of the Southern Sheeprock Mountains, Utah: Regional Significance Christie-Blick, Nicholas 1983 Articles GeologyGeomorphologyPlate tectonics
7. Paleomagnetism of Lower-Middle Devonian and Upper Proterozoic-Cambrian(?) Rocks from Mejeria (Mauritania, West Africa) Kent, Dennis V.; Sougy, J. M. A.; Dia, O. 1984 Articles GeologyPlate tectonicsGeomorphology
8. A Cretaceous and Jurassic geochronology Kent, Dennis V.; Gradstein, Felix M. 1985 Articles Geomorphology
9. Cenozoic geochronology Berggren, William A.; Kent, Dennis V.; Flynn, John J.; Van Couvering, John A. 1985 Articles Geomorphology
10. Paleocontinental Setting for the Catskill Delta Kent, Dennis V. 1985 Articles GeologyGeomorphology