11. The Downward Influence of Uncertainty in the Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Polar Vortex Response to Climate Change Simpson, Isla R.; Hitchcock, Peter; Seager, Richard; Wu, Yutian; Callaghan, Patrick 2018 Articles Atmospheric circulationStratospheric circulationPolar vortexDynamicsGlobal warming
12. The Synaptic Weight Matrix: Dynamics, Symmetry Breaking, and Disorder Fumarola, Francesco 2018 Theses NeurosciencesBiophysicsNeural circuitryDynamics
13. Magnetodynamics Inside and Outside Magnetars Li, Xinyu 2019 Theses PhysicsMagnetarsElectromagnetic fieldsRadioactivityDynamicsPlastics
14. Probing Heterogeneous Dynamics One Molecule at a Time: Polystyrene near the Glass Transition Manz, Alyssa Sarah Jane Hennings 2019 Theses Chemistry, Physical and theoreticalMaterials sciencePolystyrenePolymersGlass transition temperatureDynamics
15. Sparse representations and quadratic approximations in path integral techniques for stochastic response analysis of diverse systems/structures Psaros Andriopoulos, Apostolos 2019 Theses Civil engineeringMathematicsPath integralsStochastic analysisDynamics