1. An Economic Perspective on Balancing Unquantified Harms and Benefits Under the Consumer Welfare Standard Aron, Debra; Tenn, Steven 2019 Articles Consumer protectionAntitrust lawEconomicsConsolidation and merger of corporationsPrices
2. Hacking Our Securities Disclosure System: The Need For Federal Broker-Dealer Disclosure Requirements Vis-À-Vis Cyber Incidents Auman, Jason 2018 Articles LawComputer security--Law and legislationUnited States. Securities and Exchange CommissionConsumer protectionStockbrokers--Professional ethics
3. Relationships and Communication Persson, Petra 2013 Theses Consumption (Economics)--Social aspectsConsumer protectionEconomics--Sociological aspectsEconomics
4. To Confuse and Protect: Taxes and Consumer Protection Nussim, Jacob 2010 Articles PricesTaxation--Law and legislationConsumer protectionLawEconomics