1. World investment prospects to 2011: Foreign direct investment and the challenge of political risk Columbia University. Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment; Economist Intelligence Unit 2007 Reports FinanceBusiness
2. Withdrawing incentives to attract FDI: Can host countries put the genie back inthe bottle? De Luca, Anna 2014 Reports International relationsBusiness
3. Wicked problems: a value chain approach from Vietnam’s dairy product Khoi, Nguyen V. 2013 Articles BusinessEconomics
4. When Shelf-based Scarcity Impacts Consumer Preferences Parker, Jeffrey R. 2011 Theses BusinessPsychology
5. When Are Uninformed Boards Preferable? Isaka, Naoto 2016 Reports Chief executive officersCorporate governanceBoards of directorsBusiness
6. What Will Become of the Japanese Corporation? --A Comparative Perspective Iwai, Katsuhito 2007 Reports Business
7. Watson Library through the years Fields, Margaret; Haughton, Paul; Hunte, David; Moronta, Diana; Pizzoli, Vincent; Radecka, Olga 2014 Presentations (Communicative Events) HistoryLibrary scienceBusiness
8. Wage Determination in Labor-Managed Firms under Market-Oriented Reforms: Estimates of Static and Dynamic Models Estrin, Saul; Svejnar, Jan 1993 Articles Wage differentialsComparative economicsWages--Econometric modelsEconomicsBusiness
9. Vertical integration, exclusive dealing, and ex post cartelization Chen, Yongmin; Riordan, Michael H. 2003 Reports EconomicsBusiness
10. Venture Mergers and Acquisitions Knee, Jonathan A. 2011 Presentations (Communicative Events) BusinessEntrepreneurship