91. Susan May Tell - ART CART Oral History Tell, Susan May; Azurin, Victoria; Seymour, Melissa; Teachers College. Research Center for Arts and Culture 2013 Interviews Arts
94. The Outdoor Murals of Richard Haas: History, Challenges and Strategies for Preservation Thomas, Kenisha 2013 Theses ArtsCultural property--Protection
95. Art Cart: Saving the Legacy (2011) Jeffri, Joan; Grist, Ray; Ruta, Peter; Burton, Judith M.; Rubin, Sadie; Costabel, Eva Deutsch; Long, Danielle; Nikolaidis, Paul; Kurz, Diana; Marks, China; Shteyler, Anna; Blayton, Betty; Teachers College. Research Center for Arts and Culture 2011 Interviews Arts
96. ART CART: Saving the Legacy - The Exhibition, Documenting artistic expression of 20th century artists over a lifetime for the broader community Research Center for Arts and Culture 2011 Exhibition Catalogs Arts