91. Addressing the natural resource curse: An illustration from Nigeria Sala-i-Martin, Xavier; Subramanian, Arvind 2003 Reports EconomicsAfricans
92. The economic tragedy of the XXth century: Growth in Africa Artadi, Elsa V.; Sala-i-Martin, Xavier 2003 Reports EconomicsAfricans
93. The Effect of the AIDS Epidemic on Economic Welfare in Sub-Saharan Africa Jamison, Dean T.; Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Wang, Jia 2001 Reports Managerial economicsPublic healthAfricans
94. Use of Climate Information in the Greater Horn: Assessing the Needs of Institutional Users Curry, Joseph 2001 Reports Science--Social aspectsEcologyAfricans
95. Maternal Policies and Working Women in South Africa: The Beginnings of a Family Policy Matthias, Carmel Rose 1992 Theses Social serviceAfricansFamilies