1. WTO processes would benefit from the input of civil society Sauvant, Karl P.; Naranjo, Rebecca Chacon 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
5. World investment prospects to 2011: Foreign direct investment and the challenge of political risk Columbia University. Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment; Economist Intelligence Unit 2007 Reports FinanceBusiness
6. Wolves at the Door: A Closer Look at Hedge Fund Activism Wong, Yu Ting Forester 2016 Theses Corporations--Investor relationsHedge fundsAccountingFinanceIndustrial management
7. Will China relocate its labor-intensive factories to Africa, flying-geese style? Ozawa, Terutomo; Bellak, Christian 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
8. Why we need a global appellate mechanism for international investment law Joubin-Bret, Anna 2015 Reports FinanceInternational relations
9. Why some advanced economy firms prefer to be taken over by Chinese acquirers Knoerich, Jan 2016 Reports Investments, ForeignInternational business enterprisesInternational lawFinanceInternational relationsCommerce
10. Why public policy exceptions have not delivered and how to make them more effective Titi, Catharine 2024 Reports FinanceEconomics
11. Why omitting general public policy exceptions from investment treaties is a setback for the right to regulate Alschner, Wolfgang 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
12. Why Free Capital Mobility May Be Hazardous to Your Health: Lessons from the Latest Financial Crisis Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1998 FinanceEconomics
13. Why and how least developed countries can receive more FDI to meet their development goals Davies, Kenneth G. 2011 Reports International lawEconomic developmentInvestments--Law and legislationInvestments, ForeignCommerceFinance
14. While global FDI falls, China's outward FDI doubles Davies, Ken 2009 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
15. Which host country government actors are most involved in disputes with foreign investors? Caddel, Jeremy; Jensen, Nathan M. 2014 Reports FinanceInternational relations
16. When Will Economics Guide IMF and World Bank Reforms? Calomiris, Charles W. 2000 Articles FinanceEconomics
17. When is investor-state dispute settlement appropriate to resolve investment disputes? An idea for a rule-of-law ratings mechanism Gaffney, John P. 2015 Reports FinanceInternational relations
18. What will an appreciation of China's currency do to inward and outward FDI? Sauvant, Karl P.; Davies, Kenneth G. 2010 Reports Investments, ForeignLaw and economicsMoneyInvestmentsCommerceFinance
19. What Constitutes Foreign Direct Investment? Comparison of India and China Bajpai, Nirupam; Dasgupta, Nandita 2004 Articles International relationsEconomicsFinance
20. What can governments do to boost FDI for sustainable development? Wermelinger, Martin 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
21. Was the Highly Indebted Poor Country Initiative (HIPC) a Success? Isar, Sarajuddin 2012 Articles Debt relief--EvaluationDebts, PublicFinanceEconomicsSustainabilityWorld BankInternational Monetary Fund
23. Viscosity Characterizations of Explosions and Arbitrage Wang, Yinghui 2016 Theses Business mathematicsDifferential equations, PartialViscosity solutionsHamilton-Jacobi equationsArbitrageMathematicsFinance
25. Variable Clustering Methods and Applications in Portfolio Selection Xu, Xiao 2021 Theses Operations researchFinancePortfolio managementStocks--Rate of returnStandard and Poor's Corporation
26. Variability of Universal Life Cash Flows under Higher Risk Investment Strategies Tayal, Abhishek; Yang, Canning; Dunn, Thomas P. 2013 Reports Finance
27. U.S. outward FDI: Current flows lowered in weakened global economy but attraction of emerging markets remains Ibarra-Caton, Marilyn; Mataloni, Raymond 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinanceEconomics
28. U.S.-Japan Pension Fund Alternative Investment Conference: The current status of alternative investing and future directions Center on Japanese Economy and Business 2004 Reports EconomicsFinance
29. Using investor-state dispute settlement to enforce investor obligations Bottini, Gabriel 2015 Reports Capitalists and financiersInvestments--Law and legislationInvestments, ForeignFinanceInternational relationsEconomics
31. US and HK: Intricacies of Monetary Policy and Portfolio Flows CURJ Editorial Staff 2014 Articles Finance
32. Untying the Land Knot: Turning Investment Challenges Into Opportunities for All Citizens Shen, Xiaofang 2012 Reports FinanceEconomics
33. Untangling the effects of “special purpose entities” on global FDI Nougayrède, Delphine 2015 Reports International financeInvestments, ForeignFinanceInternational relationsEconomics
34. Uninsurable Risk and the Determination of Real Interest Rates: An Investigation Using UK Indexed Bonds Barr, David; Basu, Parantap; Wada, Kenji 2012 Reports Finance
35. Unexpected opportunities to support investor-state dispute prevention through the WTO Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement Calamita, N. Jansen 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
36. Understanding Carry Trade Risks Using Bayesian Methods: A Comparison with Other Portfolio Risks from Currency, Commodity and Stock Markets Gunes, Damla 2012 Theses Finance
37. Ukraine's inward FDI and its policy context Kononov, Oleksiy 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinanceEconomics
39. Turning Japanese? Lessons from Japan’s Lost Decade to the Current Crisis Wakatabe, Masazumi 2012 Reports FinanceAsians
40. Turkish MNEs steady on their course despite crisis, survey finds Aybar, Sedat 2011 Reports BusinessFinance
41. Trying to change the rules for responding to arbitration unilaterally: The proposed new framework for investor-state dispute settlement for the EU Lorz, Ralph 2013 Reports FinanceEconomics
42. Trade Finance and the Great Trade Collapse Ahn, Jae Bin; Amiti, Mary; Weinstein, David E. 2011 Reports CommerceFinance
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44. Towards the successful implementation of the updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Asami, Tadahiro 2012 Reports FinanceBusiness
45. Towards Basel III? Regulating the Banking Sector after the Crisis Davies, Phil 2009 Reports FinanceEconomicsBanks and banking
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