401. Arbitrage, Gains from Trade and Social Diversity: A Unified Perspective on Resource Allocation Chichilnisky, Graciela 1993 Reports Economics
402. A Revealed Preference Approach for Ranking City Quality of Life Kahn, Matthew E. 1993 Reports Economics
404. Bolivia: On the Road to Development Larraín B., Felipe; Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1993 Reports EconomicsRegional planning
405. Changing patterns in corporate financing and the main bank system in Japan Campbell, John Y.; Hamao, Yasushi 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
406. Commodity-Price Destabilizing, Commodity Price Stabilization McLaren, John 1993 Reports Economics
407. Contracting with contracts: How the Japanese manage organizational transactions Smitka, Michael J. 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
408. Correspondence Bhagwati, Jagdish N.; Faux, Jeff; Paprocki, Thomas J.; Haynes, Jane Isbell 1993 Articles Economics
409. Executive Compensation and Agency Effects Goldberg, Lawerence G.; Idson, Todd 1993 Reports Economics
411. Financial Market Imperfections and Business Cycles Greenwald, Bruce C.; Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1993 Articles Economics
412. Freer Trade and Wages of the Unskilled: Is Marx Striking Again? Bhagwati, Jagdish N.; Dehejia, Vivek 1993 Reports Economics
414. Fundamental issues in the United States-Japan economic relations Lincoln, Edward J. 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerceInternational relations
415. Global Environmental Risks Chichilnisky, Graciela; Heal, Geoffrey M. 1993 Reports EconomicsClimatic changes
417. International Emission Permits: Equity and Efficiency Chichilnisky, Graciela; Heal, Geoffrey M.; Starrett, David 1993 Reports Economics
418. International Linkages of the Korean Economy: Simulations with the Korean Global Model Boone, Peter; Lee, Jong-Wha; Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1993 Articles Managerial economicsEconomics
419. International Perspectives in Undergraduate Education Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1993 Articles Economics
421. Is the Japanese extended family altruistically linked? A test based on Engel curves Hayashi, Fumio 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
423. Japanese banking in the United States: From transient advantage to strategic failure Beechler, Schon; Scher, Mark J. 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
425. Limited Arbitrage, Gains from Trade and Arrow's Theorem Chichilnisky, Graciela 1993 Reports Economics
426. Miracle on Sixth Avenue: Information Externalities and Search Caplin, Andrew; Leahy, John 1993 Reports Economics
427. Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: Reply Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Dixit, Avinash K. 1993 Articles Economics
430. North-South Trade and the Dynamics of Renewable Resources Chichilnisky, Graciela 1993 Reports Economics
431. Organizational variation in championship behavior: The case of Japanese firms Beechler, Schon; Taylor, Sully; Shane, Scott 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerceOrganizational behavior
434. Price Continuity Rules and Insider Trading Dutta, Prajit Kumar; Madhavan, Ananth 1993 Reports Economics
436. Report of the Editor--Journal of Economic Perspectives Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Shapiro, Carl 1993 Articles Economics
437. Review of "The Japanese Experience of Economic Reforms," ed. Juro Teranishi and Yutaka Kosai Patrick, Hugh T. 1993 Reports Economics
439. Short-run and long-run expectations of the yen/dollar exchange rate Ito, Takatoshi 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
441. Strengthening Western Support for Russia Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1993 Articles Managerial economicsEconomics
443. The Demands to Reduce Domestic Diversity among Trading Nations Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1993 Reports Economics
446. The Effects of Transportation Networks on Economic Growth Canning, David; Fay, Marianne 1993 Reports Economics
447. The Influence of Nonmarital Childbearing on the Formation of First Marriages Bloom, David E.; Bennett, Neil G.; Miller, Cynthia K. 1993 Reports Economics
449. The prospects for industrial cooperation between the United States and Japan Beechler, Schon; Ranis, Sheri 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
450. The relevance of Japanese finance and its main bank system Patrick, Hugh T. 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
451. The role of long-term credit banks within the main bank system Packer, Frank 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
453. Unemployment and the Economics of Gradualist Policy Reform Gavin, Michael 1993 Reports Economics
454. US-Japan trade friction and its dilemmas for US policy Noland, Marcus 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
455. Wage Determination in Labor-Managed Firms under Market-Oriented Reforms: Estimates of Static and Dynamic Models Estrin, Saul; Svejnar, Jan 1993 Articles Wage differentialsComparative economicsWages--Econometric modelsEconomicsBusiness
456. Who should abate carbon emission? Chichilnisky, Graciela; Heal, Geoffrey M. 1993 Reports Economics
457. Will Free Trade With Political Science Put Normative Economists Out of Work? O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew; Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1993 Reports EconomicsPolitical science
459. A longitudinal study of staffing patterns in U.S. affiliates of Japanese multinational corporations Beechler, Schon L.; Iaquinto, Anthony L. 1994 Reports EconomicsCommerce
460. Can winners be losers? The case of the Deming Prize for quality and performance among large Japanese manufacturing firms Iaquinto, Anthony L. 1994 Reports EconomicsCommerce
461. Changes in the structure of Family Income Inequality in the United States and other Industrial Nations during the 1980s Blackburn, McKinley; Bloom, David E. 1994 Reports Economics
462. Disputing through Agents: Cooperation and Conflict between Lawyers in Litigation Gilson, Ronald J.; Mnookin, Robert H. 1994 Articles Actions and defensesConflict managementLawyersLawEconomics
463. Do Converters Facilitate the Transition to a New Technology?: A Dynamic Analysis of Coverters Choi, Jay Pil 1994 Reports Economics
464. Do Vehicle Emissions Testing Program Improve Air Quality? Kahn, Matthew E. 1994 Reports EconomicsEcology
466. Energy Taxes and Aggregate Economic Activity Rotemberg, Julio I.; Woodford, Michael 1994 Chapters (Layout Features) EconomicsPublic policy (Law)
469. From National Crisis to "National Crisis": British Politics, 1914-1931 Pedersen, Susan G. 1994 Articles HistoryPolitics and governmentEconomicsElections
470. Herd Behavior, the "Penguin Effect", and the Suppression of Informational Diffusion: An Analysis of Informational Externalities and Payoff Interdependency Choi, Jay Pil 1994 Reports Economics
471. Housing Partnerships: A new system of housing Finance Caplin, Andrew; Freeman, Charles; Tracy, Joseph 1994 Reports Economics
475. Information and Economic Efficiency Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Greenwald, Bruce C.; Arnott, Richard J. 1994 Articles Economics
478. Measuring the Incentive to be Homeless Cragg, Michael; O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 1994 Reports EconomicsHomelessnessShelters for the homelessHomelessness--Government policy
479. Medium-term prospects for the Japanese economy and for U.S.-Japan relations Ratcliffe, C. Tait 1994 Reports EconomicsCommerce
480. Minimal Inclusive Sets in Special Classes of Games Sanchirico, Chris William 1994 Reports Economics
481. Modeling Soviet Agriculture for Assessing Commanding Economy Policies Desai, Padma B.; Sihag, Balbir 1994 Reports Economics
482. Monetary Institutions and Credible Stabilization: A Comparison of Experience in the Baltics Hansson, Ardo; Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1994 Articles FinanceEconomics
483. Monetary Policy and Price Level Determinacy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy Woodford, Michael 1994 Articles EconomicsPublic policy (Law)
484. Necessarily Welfare-Enhancing Customs Unions with Industrialization constraints: A proof of the Cooper-Massell-Johnson-Bhagwati Conjecture Krishna, Pravin; Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1994 Reports Economics
485. Nonstandard Indicators for Monetary Policy: Can Their Usefulness Be Judged from Forecasting Regressions? Woodford, Michael 1994 Chapters (Layout Features) EconomicsCommerce
488. Rapid and multifaceted privatization: Experience of the Czech and Slovak Republics Kotrba, Josef; Svejnar, Jan 1994 Articles Post-communismPrivatizationEconomicsBusiness
491. Securities trading in the absence of dealers: Trades and quotes on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Hamao, Yasushi; Hasbrouck, Joel 1994 Reports EconomicsCommerce
492. Self-Organized Criticality and Economic Fluctuations Scheinkman, Jose A.; Woodford, Michael 1994 Articles Economics
497. Sources of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations: How Important Are Nominal Shocks? Clarida, Richard H.; Gali, Jordi 1994 Reports Economics
499. The Changing Labor Market Position of Canadian Immigrants Bloom, David E.; Grenier, Gilles; Gunderson, Morley 1994 Reports Economics