201. Bank underwriting of corporate bonds: Evidence from Japan after 1994 Hamao, Yasushi; Hoshi, Takeo 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
202. Bank underwriting of corporate bonds: Evidence from Japan after the financial system reform of 1993 Hamao, Yasushi; Hoshi, Takeo 2000 Reports EconomicsCommerce
203. Banned Aid: Why International Assistance Does Not Alleviate Poverty: Review Essay Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 2010 Articles Economics
204. Bargains and Ripoffs: A Model of Monopolistically Competitive Price Dispersion Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Salop, Steven C. 1977 Articles Economics
206. Beggar-Thyself versus Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Policies: The Dangers of Intellectual Incoherence in Addressing the Global Financial Crisis Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1999 Articles EconomicsFinance
207. Behavioral Decision Making for Sustainable Development Cui, Zhihan 2021 Theses EconomicsSocial psychologySustainable developmentCOVID-19 (Disease)--Government policyCOVID-19 (Disease)--Social aspectsMasks--Social aspectsDecision makingPersonality
208. Behavioral game theory : towards a realistic representation of strategic behavior? Devetag, Giovanna 2004 Reports Organizational behaviorEconomics
210. Believing in Multiple Equilibria Chichilnisky, Graciela; Heal, Geoffrey M.; Streufert, Peter A.; Swinkels, Jeroen M. 1992 Reports Economics
211. Beneficiaries of New York City's 421-a Tax Exemption Program Li, Serena 2015 Theses City planningPublic policy (Law)Economics
212. Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Dasgupta, Partha 1974 Articles EconomicsPublic policy (Law)
213. BEPS reform: The end of fiscal incentives to attract FDI? Jobbágy, Luca 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
214. Bertrand competition with intertemporal demand Dutta, Prajit Kumar; Matros, Alexander; Weibull, Jorgen W. 2002 Reports Economics
216. Beyond the Core: The Role of Co-working Spaces in Local Economic Development Chuah, Veronica 2016 Theses Self-employedEconomic developmentLand use, Urban--Economic aspectsOfficesCity planningPublic policy (Law)Economics
217. Beyond the New Deal: Thomas K. McCraw and the Political Economy of Capitalism John, Richard R.; Smith, Jason Scott 2016 Chapters (Layout Features) Political scienceCapitalismNew Deal (1933-1939)Business and politicsEconomics
218. Beyond treasuries: A foreign direct investment program for U.S. infrastructure McAllister, Geraldine; Moser, Joel H. 2011 Reports EconomicsFinance
219. Bhagwati Festschrift--August 5, 2005: Letter from Leif Pagrotsky Pagrotsky, Leif 2005 Presentations (Communicative Events) Economics
220. Bhagwati Festschrift: August 5, 2005: Remarks by Sir James Murray, British Diplomat Murray, James 2005 Presentations (Communicative Events) Economics
221. Bhagwati Festschrift Gala Dinner, August 5, 2005: Remarks by Larry Summers Summers, Lawrence 2005 Presentations (Communicative Events) Economics
224. Big-City Governments O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 1995 Reports Political scienceEconomicsMunicipal government
225. Big field, small potatoes: An empirical assessment of EPA's self-audit policy Sanchirico, Chris William; Lee, John; Prager, Daniel; Talikoff, Alexander Strickland Pfaff 2002 Reports Economics
226. Biking and Renewables Wagner, Gernot 2015 Articles Environmental policyRenewable energy sourcesGreen technologyPublic policy (Law)Economics
227. Billionaires and Growth Bagchi, Sutirtha; Svejnar, Jan 2016 Essays Economic developmentIncome distributionWealthEconomics
228. BIS capital regulations and Japanese banks' bad loan problems Marsh, Terry A.; Paul, Jean-Michel 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
230. Boda Boda: The Impact of A Motorbike Taxi Service in Rural South Uganda Gamberini, Gian Luca 2014 Articles EconomicsSociology
231. Bolivia: On the Road to Development Larraín B., Felipe; Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1993 Reports EconomicsRegional planning
232. Bolivia's Economic Crisis Morales, Juan Antonio; Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1988 Reports Managerial economicsEconomicsLatin Americans
233. Bones, bombs and break points: The geography of economic activity Davis, Donald R.; Weinstein, David E. 2002 Reports Economics
234. Bones, bombs and break points: The geography of economic activity Weinstein, David E.; Davis, Donald R. 2001 Reports EconomicsCommerce
236. Boosting High Dimensional Predictive Regressions with Time Varying Parameters Ng, Serena 2021 Software and Data (Information) EconomicsMacroeconomicsRegression analysisBoosting (Algorithms)
239. Brazil, failing to turn the corner . . . Sotelino, Fernando Barreira 2008 Reports EconomicsFinanceEconomic development
241. Breaking The Spell of Tax Budget Magic Perkins, Rachelle Holmes 2014 Articles Tax expendituresTax and expenditure limitationsSunset reviews of government programs--Law and legislationLawEconomics
242. Brief of Joseph E. Stiglitz as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioners Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2014 Reports EconomicsDebts, PublicLaw
243. Bubbles in Japan's stock market: A macroeconomic analysis Sato, Kazuo 1995 Reports EconomicsCommerce
244. Building and Urban Planning in Zimbabwe: Putting Needs, Costs and Sustainability in Focus Chirisa, Innocent 2014 Articles Transaction costsSustainable development--PlanningCity planningEconomics
245. Building the corporate risk control system with some viewpoints on the risk psychology Goto, Shigeyuki; Hayakawa, Hiroshi 2003 Reports Economics
246. Burn-Outs: Fire Victims in North Jersey, the Red Cross, and the Housing Market O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 1992 Reports EconomicsFires--CasualtiesHousingPoor families
247. Business Environment, Exports, Ownership, and Firm Performance Commander, Simon; Svejnar, Jan 2011 Articles CommerceEconomics
248. Business Fluctuations and Bankruptcy Avalanches in an Evolving Network Economy Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Greenwald, Bruce C.; Delli Gatti, Domenico; Gallegati, Mauro; Russo, Alberto 2009 Articles Economics
250. Bypassing Health Centers in Tanzania: Revealed Preferences for Observable and Unobservable Leonard, Kenneth L.; Mliga, Gilbert R.; Mariam, Damen Haile 2001 Reports EconomicsPublic health
251. Bypassing health centers in Tanzania: Revealed preferences for observable and unobservable quality Leonard, Kenneth L.; Mliga, Gilbert R.; Mariam, Damen Haile 2002 Reports EconomicsPublic health
252. Can an American entrepreneur work for a Japanese company and be effective and happy? Weinig, Sheldon 1997 Reports Economics
253. Can a Test Measure Teaching Quality? Validity of Mexico’s Teacher Entry Examination After the 2013 Education Reform Salgado, Vania 2019 Theses EconomicsEducationStatisticsTeachers--EvaluationTeachers--ExaminationsEducational change
254. Can Eliminating School Fees in Poor Districts Boost Enrollment? Borkum, Evan 2009 Reports Economics
255. Can India emulate China in attracting and benefitting from FDI? Sauvant, Karl P.; Allman, Daniel 2015 Reports Technology and international relationsEconomic developmentInvestments, ForeignFinanceInternational relationsEconomics
257. Can Market Failure Cause Political Failure? Aney, Madhav S.; Ghatak, Maitreesh; Morelli, Massimo 2012 Reports EconomicsPolitical science
258. Can news shocks account for the business-cycle dynamics of inventories? Crouzet, Nicolas; Oh, Hyunseung 2012 Reports Economics
259. Can teachers’ rewards improve educational outcomes? The role of financial and non-financial rewards Kluttig, Martha 2018 Theses EconomicsEducationReward (Psychology)Teachers--PsychologyTeachers--AwardsAcademic achievement
260. Can the Euro Be Saved? An Analysis of the Future of the Currency Union Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2014 Articles EconomicsEurozoneMonetary policyBanks and banking, CentralGlobal Financial Crisis (2008-2009)
262. Can winners be losers? The case of the Deming Prize for quality and performance among large Japanese manufacturing firms Iaquinto, Anthony L. 1994 Reports EconomicsCommerce
263. Capital Flows and Macroeconomic Policy in Emerging Economies Agosin, Manuel R. 2003 Reports Managerial economicsEconomics
264. Capitalism and Keynes: From the Treatise on Probability to The General Theory Phelps, Edmund S. 2007 Reports EconomicsKeynesian economicsCapitalismKeynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946General theory of employment, interest and money (Keynes, John Maynard)
265. Capitalism, Inequality & Globalization Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2018 Presentations (Communicative Events) EconomicsIncome distributionCapitalismGlobalization
266. Capital Market Liberalization and Exchange Rate Regimes: Risk without Reward Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2002 Articles Economics
267. Capital Market Liberalization and Poverty Charlton, Andrew H.; Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2004 Reports Managerial economicsEconomics
268. Capital Market Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Instability Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2000 Articles Economics
269. Capital Market Liberalization, Globalization and the IMF Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2004 Presentations (Communicative Events) Economics
270. Capital Market Liberalization, Poverty and Inequality Cobham, Alex 2004 Reports Managerial economicsEconomics
271. Capital Markets and Economic Fluctuations in Capitalist Economies Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1992 Articles Economics
272. Capital markets constrain industry scale Jean-Baptiste, Eslyn L.; Riordan, Michael H. 2003 Reports EconomicsFinance
273. Capital Mobility and the (In)efficiency of Fiscal Unions Perotti, Roberto 1995 Reports Economics
274. Caps on political lobbying: Reply Che, Yeon-Koo; Gale, Ian 2006 Reports EconomicsPolitical science
275. Carbon Finance Opportunities in Transportation and Clean Development Mechanism in Developing Countries–Examining The Interplay Of Investment, Emission Reduction, and Carbon Credit Revenue Yu, Ji Yeun 2014 Theses Transportation--PlanningEconomicsClimatic changes
276. Carbon trading grows up Wagner, Gernot 2011 Articles FluoroformEuropean CommissionEmissions tradingClimatic changesEconomicsPublic policy (Law)
277. Career Choice and Economic Innovation: A Comparison Between China, Germany and the USA Bojilov, Raicho; Phelps, Edmund S. 2013 Reports EconomicsEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship--Government policyFiscal policy
278. Careers in international/Asia Pacific business: Perspectives of an experienced Japan hand Franklin, William E. 1998 Reports Economics
279. Cartelizing Taxes: Understanding the OECD’s Campaign against “Harmful Tax Competition” Morriss, Andrew P.; Moberg, Lotta 2012 Articles Taxation--International cooperationPressure groups--Political activityDouble taxationLawEconomicsOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
280. Cascades in Networks and Aggregate Volatility Acemoglu, Daron; Ozdaglar, Asuman; Tahbaz-Salehi, Alireza 2010 Reports BusinessEconomics
281. Cash flow vs. collateral-based credit: Performance of micro, small and medium-sized firms in transition economies Cassano, Francesca; Jõeveer, Karin; Svejnar, Jan 2013 Articles Commercial loansLoans--Government policySmall business--FinanceEconomicsBusinessFinance
282. "Causes" of homelessness: Understanding city- and individual-level data O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 2002 Reports EconomicsHomelessnessHomelessness--Research
283. Central Bank Communication and Policy Effectiveness Woodford, Michael 2005 Reports EconomicsPublic policy (Law)
286. CEO compensation and firm performance in Japan: Evidence from new panel data on individual CEO pay Kato, Takao; Kubo, Katsuyuki 2003 Reports EconomicsCommerce
287. CFIUS part II? The US moves to restrict outbound FDI to China Egan, Brian; Clarke, Katie 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
288. Challenges to the Multilateral Trading System and Possible Responses Panagariya, Arvind 2013 Reports Economics
289. Change and response in Japan's international economic policy Drysdale, Peter 1990 Reports EconomicsCommerce
290. Changes in the structure of Family Income Inequality in the United States and other Industrial Nations during the 1980s Blackburn, McKinley; Bloom, David E. 1994 Reports Economics
292. Changing firm boundaries in Japanese auto parts supply networks Ahmadjian, Christina L.; Lincoln, James R. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
293. Changing geography: prospects for Asian actors as global rule-makers in international investment law Schill, Stephan W. 2015 Reports Investments, Foreign (International law)FinanceInternational relationsEconomicsTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
296. Changing patterns in corporate financing and the main bank system in Japan Campbell, John Y.; Hamao, Yasushi 1993 Reports EconomicsCommerce
298. Child Care in the Wake of Welfare Reform: The Impact of Government Subsidies on the Economic Well-Being of Single-Mother Families Meyers, Marcia K.; Han, Wen-Jui; Waldfogel, Jane; Garfinkel, Irwin 2001 Articles EconomicsFamilies
299. Childhood Circumstances and Adult Outcomes: Act II Almond, Douglas V.; Currie, Janet M.; Duque, Valentina 2017 Reports EconomicsChildrenLife change eventsPrenatal influences
300. Chile's outward FDI and its policy context Razo, Carlos; Calderón, Álvaro 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinanceEconomics