41. The Sentimental Education of Henry Warren Roth: Spiritual Formation, Pedagogy, and Theological Learning in Nineteenth-Century Chicago Elia, Anthony J. 2011 Articles BiographyReligionHistory
42. Umma and Identity in Early Islamic Persia Hanaoka, Mimi 2011 Theses ReligionLiterature, MedievalHistory
43. Writing History to Reform the Empire: Religious Chroniclers in Seventeenth-Century Peru Galvez-Pena, Carlos Martin 2011 Theses HistoryLatin American literatureReligionHistoriographyReligion historiansHistory--Religious aspects
44. Between kin and king: Social aspects of Western Zhou ritual Vogt, Paul Nicholas 2012 Theses HistoryHistory, AncientReligion
45. Bhakti Religion and Tantric Magic in Mughal India: Kacchvahas, Ramanandis, and Naths, circa 1500-1700 Burchett, Patton 2012 Theses Yoga, BhaktiTantrismSufismRāmānandīsJogi-NathsBhaktiReligionSouth AsiansHistory
46. Book People: Evangelical Books and the Making of Contemporary Evangelicalism Vaca, Daniel 2012 Theses Book industries and tradeReligious literature--PublishingEvangelicalismReligionHistory
47. Creating Heresy: (Mis)representation, Fabrication, and the Tachikawa-ryu Hino, Takuya 2012 Theses ReligionAsiansHistoryMiddle Ages
48. Defenders of the Faith? Britain and the Persecution of Christianity in Japan, 1867–1873 Jamieson, Keith 2012 Articles ReligionHistoryInternational relations
49. Materials of Buddhist Culture: Aesthetics and Cosmopolitanism at Mindroling Monastery Townsend, Dominique 2012 Theses ReligionAestheticsHistory
50. MRL1: German Missionaries in Cameroon Reports, 1914-1915 Kamsler, Brigette C. 2012 Finding Aids ReligionHistoryMissions, GermanWorld War (1914-1918)Missions, Swiss