1. Algorithms for Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization: Convergence, Complexity and Applications Ma, Shiqian 2011 Theses Operations researchMathematical optimization
2. Efficient Simulation Methods for Estimating Risk Measures Du, Yiping 2011 Theses Operations researchMonte Carlo methodSimulation methodsRisk assessment
3. Essays in Consumer Choice Driven Assortment Planning Saure, Denis R. 2011 Theses Operations research
4. First Order Methods for Large-Scale Sparse Optimization Aybat, Necdet Serhat 2011 Theses Operations researchMathematics
5. Many-Server Queues with Time-Varying Arrivals, Customer Abandonment, and non-Exponential Distributions Liu, Yunan 2011 Theses Operations researchStochastic modelsQueuing theoryConsumer satisfactionCustomer services--EvaluationHospital patientsConsumer behavior--Mathematical models
6. Supply Chain Management: Supplier Financing Schemes and Inventory Strategies Wang, Min 2011 Theses BusinessOperations research
7. Approximate dynamic programming for large scale systems Desai, Vijay V. 2012 Theses Operations researchMathematics
8. A Simulation Model to Analyze the Impact of Golf Skills and a Scenario-based Approach to Options Portfolio Optimization Ko, Soonmin 2012 Theses EngineeringOperations research
9. Contingent Capital: Valuation and Risk Implications Under Alternative Conversion Mechanisms Nouri, Behzad 2012 Theses FinanceOperations research
10. Dynamic Markets with Many Agents: Applications in Social Learning and Competition Ifrach, Bar 2012 Theses Operations researchEconomics