302. 通过双边投资协定与区域贸易协定吸引FDI时,协定内容重要吗? Busse, Matthias; Roy, Martin; Berger, Axel; Nunnenkamp, Peter 2012 Reports FinanceEconomics
305. 用FDI 存量衡量国外子公司经营活动存在偏差 Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd; Hennart, Jean-Francois; Slangen, Arjen; Slangen, Roger 2011 Reports EconomicsFinance
312. FDI and sustainable development in the EU-China investment treaty: Neither high nor low, just realistic expectations Chaisse, Julien 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
313. FDI, catch-up growth stages and stage-focused strategies Ozawa, Terutomo 2012 Reports FinanceCommerce
314. FDI incentives pay—politically Jensen, Nathan M.; Malesky, Edmund J. 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
315. FDI in retailing and inflation: The case of India Dasgupta, Nandita 2011 Reports FinanceEconomicsAgriculture
318. FDI stocks are a biased measure of foreign affiliate activity Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd; Hennart, Jean-Francois; Slangen, Arjen; Smeets, Roger 2011 Reports EconomicsFinance
319. FDI stocks are a biased measure of MNE affiliate activity: A response Wilkins, Mira 2012 Reports FinanceEconomics
320. Fed Policy, Inequality, and Equality of Opportunity Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2016 Reports EconomicsEqualityMacroeconomicsFinanceFederal Reserve banks
321. Financial Control through Japan's Main Bank System and the Japanese Accounting System: The Past and the Future Okada, Ellie 1997 Reports FinanceBanks and banking
322. Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: The Lessons from 1995 Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Tornell, Aaron; Velasco, Andrés 1996 Reports Managerial economicsEconomicsFinance
323. Financial Innovation and Endogenous Uncertainty in Incomplete Asset Markets Chichilnisky, Graciela; Wu, Ho-Mou 1992 Reports EconomicsFinance
324. Financing Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: Mechanisms and Responsibilities Griffith-Jones, Stephany; Ocampo, Jose A.; Spratt, Stephen 2012 Reports Finance
325. First Ranking of Argentine multinationals finds diversified successes ininternationalization Nofal, Beatriz; Nahón, Cecilia; Donadille, María Eugenia; Pagani, Luciana; Fernández, Carolina 2009 Reports BusinessFinance
326. First ranking survey of Mexican multinationals finds great diversity of industries Gutiérrez-Haces, María Teresa; Columbia University. Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment 2009 Reports BusinessFinanceInternational business enterprises
327. Fiscal Policy Switching in Japan, the U.S., and the U.K. Ito, Arata; Watanabe, Tsutomu; Yabu, Tomoyoshi 2011 Reports EconomicsFinance
328. Five Years Later: Lessons from the Financial Crisis Shafer, Jeffrey R. 2013 Reports EconomicsFinance
329. Forecast targeting as a monetary policy strategy: Policy rules in practice Woodford, Michael 2007 Reports EconomicsFinance
330. Foreign direct investment and U.S. national security: CFIUS under the Obama Administration Plotkin, Mark E.; Fagan, David N. 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
331. Foreign Direct Investment in Blantyre, Malawi: Opportunities and Challenges Nakagawa, Sawa; Bahl, Abhinav; Demisse, Meron; Ishizuka, Megumi; Miranda, Francisco; Ramirez, Frank; Sung, Kwi Young 2009 Reports Managerial economicsEconomicsFinance
332. Foreign divestment: What stays when multinationals leave? Sofka, Wolfgang; Torres Preto, Miguel; de Faria, Pedro 2015 Reports International business enterprisesCorporate divestitureEmployees--Dismissal ofLawInternational lawFinanceInternational relations
333. From the FDI Triad to multiple FDI poles? Economou, Persephone; Sauvant, Karl P. 2011 Reports Law and economicsLaw and economic developmentInvestments, ForeignCommerceFinance
335. German outward FDI and its policy context Hirdina, Ralph; Jost, Thomas 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinanceCommerce
336. Germany, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and investment-dispute settlement: Observations on a paradox Lorz, Ralph Alexander 2014 Reports International relationsFinance
337. Global Governance for Financial Stability and Development Griffith-Jones, Stephany; Ocampo, Jose A. 2011 Reports FinanceInternational relations
339. Good governance of third party funding Kessedjian, Catherine 2014 Reports International relationsFinance
340. Go out and manufacture: Policy support for Chinese FDI in Africa Clarke, Nikia 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
343. Government-held equity in foreign investment projects: Good for host countries? Wells, Louis T. 2014 Reports FinanceInternational relations
344. Governments and companies must address climate and governance risks when petroleum assets change hands Woodroffe, Nicola; Westenberg, Erica 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
345. Greek FDI in the Balkans: How is it affected by the crisis in Greece? Economou, Persephone; Thomas, Margo 2011 Reports FinanceEconomicsBanks and banking
346. Growth and External Debt Under Risk of Debt Repudiation Cohen, Daniel; Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1985 Reports Managerial economicsEconomicsFinance
347. Growth Convergence and the Middle Income Trap Ito, Takatoshi 2016 Reports Economic developmentCurrency crisesGlobal Financial Crisis (2008-2009)Convergence (Economics)Finance
348. Guia do Investidor para São Tomé and Príncipe Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment; Earth Institute 2008 Reports FinanceBusiness
349. Hardening soft law: strategic use of the OECD Guidelines to achieve meaningful outcomes Ingrams, Marian; Booth, Katharine 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
350. Helping ensure respect for the SDGs under bilateral investment treaties: the case of human rights Gaffney, John 2024 Reports FinanceEconomics
351. Heterogeneity in Japanese TFP, Part 1: Why Overcoming Deflation Alone is Not Enough Fink, Naomi 2015 Reports Industrial productivityDeflation (Finance)FinanceEconomics
352. Heterogeneity in Japanese TFP, Part 2: Regulation, Capital Allocation, and TFP in Japan Fink, Naomi 2016 Reports Manufacturing industries--Government policyService industries--Government policyIndustrial productivityDeregulationFinanceEconomics
354. Host governments should not treat state-owned enterprises differently than other foreign investors Globerman, Steven 2015 Reports FinanceInternational relations
355. How are global value chains altering policy narratives? Pietrobelli, Carlo; Rabellotti, Roberta; Van Assche, Ari 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
356. How BRIC MNEs Deal with International Political Risk Satyanand, Premila Nazareth 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
357. How can governments help small enterprises integrate into global value chains? Pundir, Gaurav 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
358. How do consumer-focused multinational enterprises affect emerging markets? Ozawa, Terutomo 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
359. How FDI in the mining sector can assist communities to achieve sustainable development Otto, James 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
360. How host country governments can ensure competitive neutrality in cross-border M&As Baumann, Phil 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
361. How, if at all, Should Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) be Regulated? Goodhart, C. A. E. 2009 Reports Finance
362. How important is money in the conduct of monetary policy? Woodford, Michael 2007 Reports EconomicsFinance
363. How Making it Easier to Succeed Reduces Success: IPO Reform and New Firm Performance Eberhart, Robert; Eisenhardt, Kathleen; Eesley, Charles 2013 Reports EconomicsFinance
364. How Much Do Bank Shocks Affect Investment? Evidence from Matched Bank-Firm Loan Data Amiti, Mary; Weinstein, David E. 2012 Reports FinanceAsians
365. How much do U.S. corporations know (and care) about bilateral investmenttreaties? Some hints from new survey evidence Yackee, Jason Webb 2010 Reports CommerceFinance
366. How the Japanese financial system and its main bank system have dealt with generic issues of financial development Patrick, Hugh T. 1997 Reports EconomicsFinance
367. How the private sector is changing Chinese investment in Africa? Shen, Xiaofang 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
368. How to deal with the growing incentives competition Thomas, Kenneth P. 2014 Reports International relationsFinanceEuropeans
369. How to get the best deal for massive FDI incentives Sauvant, Karl P. 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
371. How to Resolve Sovereign Debt Crises in the Twenty-First Century Herman, Barry 2011 Reports EconomicsFinance
372. Hungarian multinationals a strong presence in neighborhood, survey finds Sass, Magdolna; Kovács, Olivér 2011 Reports BusinessFinance
374. ICSID仲裁中的费用分摊:理论与应用 Hodgson, Matthew 2015 Reports Cost allocationInvestments--Law and legislationLawInternational lawFinanceBanks and banking
375. 依赖自然资源缺乏远见:非洲国家如何促使 IFDI 多元化? Mijiyawa, Abdoul' Ganiou 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
376. 东道国真的受益于 IFDI(引进外商直接投资 )吗? Jin, Byungchae; Garcia, Francisco; Salomon, Robert 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
377. 引进外商直接投资(IFDI): 促进还是抑制科技创业? Pathak, Saurav; Laplume, André; Xavier-Oliveira, Emanuel 2012 Reports FinanceEconomics
379. 未来 IIAs 是否要求投资者承担可持续发展相关义务? Gaffney, John; Sarvanantham, Janani 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
381. Impact of global crisis on Mexican multinationals varies by industry, survey finds Kunhardt, Jorge Basave; Gutiérrez-Haces, María Teresa 2010 Reports BusinessFinance
382. Implementing an Investment Facilitation Framework for Development: Lessons from the Trade Facilitation Agreement Saeed, Mohammad 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
383. Improving infrastructure or lowering taxes to attract foreign direct investment? Bellak, Christian; Leibrecht, Markus 2009 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
384. Incentive Pay and Performance: Insider Econometrics in a Multi-Unit Firm Bogaard, Hein; Svejnar, Jan 2013 Reports Banks and bankingIncentive awardsPersonnel managementEconomicsFinance
385. Income tax cuts without spending cuts: Hazards to efficiency, equity, employment and growth Phelps, Edmund S. 2002 Reports EconomicsFinancePublic policy (Law)
386. In defense of bilateral investment treaties Schwebel, Stephen M. 2014 Reports International relationsFinance
387. Indian FDI falls in global economic crisis: Indian multinationals tread cautiously Pradhan, Jaya Prakash 2009 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
388. Indirect FDI under EU FDI regulation in times of war: is the anti-circumvention clause enough? Di Benedetto, Fabrizio 2023 Reports FinanceEconomics
389. Inflating Away the Public Debt? An Empirical Assessment Hilscher, Jens; Raviv, Alon; Reis, Ricardo 2014 Reports EconomicsFinance
390. Infrastructure for ore: Benefits and costs of a not-so-original idea Wells, Louis T. 2013 Reports FinanceInternational relations
391. Innovative Financing Solutions for Community Support in the Context of Land Investments Szoke-Burke, Sam; Cordes, Kaitlin Y. 2019 Reports Land useFinanceInvestmentsInvestments--Law and legislationCommunitiesSustainable development
392. Insurance Enterprise Risk Management: Toward The Next Generation Goto, Shigeyuki 2013 Reports EconomicsFinance
393. International financial architecture seen through the lense of economic crisis: achievements and numerous challenges Griffith-Jones, Stephany; Ocampo, Jose A. 2010 Reports FinanceEconomics
394. International Investment Arbitration: Winning, Losing and Why Franck, Susan D. 2009 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
395. International investment law and decentralized targeted sanctions: an uneasy relationship van Aaken, Anne 2015 Reports Sanctions (International law)International lawInvestments, ForeignFinanceInternational relationsEconomics
396. International investment law and media disputes: a complement to WTO law Peterson, Luke Eric 2010 Reports Managerial economicsFinance
397. International investment law, intellectual property and development Oke, Emmanuel Kolawole 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
398. Intertemporal distortions in the second best Albanesi, Stefania; Armenter, Roc 2007 Reports EconomicsFinance
400. Introduction: Time for a Visible Hand: Lessons From the 2008 World Financial Crisis Griffith-Jones, Stephany; Ocampo, Jose A.; Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2009 Reports Finance