1. Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan Caballero, Ricardo; Hoshi, Takeo; Kashyap, Anil K. 2006 Reports Commerce
2. Zambezi Valley Development Study Johnson, Lise; Toledano, Perrine; Maples, Susan 2011 Reports Natural resources—ManagementEconomic developmentInvestments, ForeignSustainable developmentLawSustainabilityInternational relations
3. Yuri Schekochikin: Crime and Punishment in the USSR Today Bardos, Gordon 1991 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityPerestroĭka--Political aspectsOrganized crimeOrganized crime--Government policy
4. Yuri Levada: Populism in Soviet Politics Jewett, Lolly 1990 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityPerestroĭka--Political aspectsPopulism
5. Yuri Gankovsky: A Soviet View of Afghanistan Monyak, Rob; Denber, Rachel 1988 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityPerestroĭka--Political aspects
6. Yuri Borisov: Soviet Historiography Reconsidered Larson, Joshua 1991 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityNineteen thirties
7. Youth of Viet Nam Online: A Study of the Vietnamese Digital Landscape Sinha, Akshay 2013 Reports Information technologyCommunicationAsians
8. Young Children in Immigrant Families: The Role of Philanthropy: Sharing Knowledge, Creating Services, and Building Supportive Policies: Report of a Meeting, January 18-19, 2006 Dinan, Kinsey Alden 2006 Reports Children of immigrantsChildren of immigrants--Services forChildren--Health and hygieneChild mental health
9. Young Children in Deep Poverty Ekono, Mercedes M.; Jiang, Yang; Smith, Sheila 2016 Reports Poor childrenPoor familiesChild developmentPoverty
10. Young Children at Risk: National and State Prevalence of Risk Factors Robbins, Taylor A.; Stagman, Shannon M.; Smith, Sheila 2012 Reports Poor childrenPoor children--Health and hygienePoor children--EducationProblem youthSocial sciences