Search Results
102. Putting e-commerce to work: The Japanese convenience store case
103. Querying Faceted Databases
104. Randomness
105. Reason and emotion in the early Enlightenment
106. Repeated games with observation costs
107. Restructuring distressed companies in Japan
108. Retrofitting Autonomic Capabilities onto Legacy Systems
109. School choice: A mechanism design approach
110. Security Mechanisms for the Internet
111. Security testing of SIP implementations
112. Social Mobilisation and Transparency: The Indian Experience
113. Social security, retirement, and the single-mindedness of the electorate
114. Staging EUrope
115. State Policy Choices: Assets and Access to Public Assistance
116. Statistical Acquisition of Content Selection Rules for Natural Language Generation
117. Statistical discrimination with neighborhood effects: Can integration eliminate negative stereotypes?
118. Stock index autocorrelation and cross-autocorrelations of the size-sorted portfolios in the Japanese market
119. Structural Adjustment and Sustainable Development
120. Style, difference and uniqueness
121. Subliminal perception and music : a brief survey
122. SWAP: A Scheduler With Automatic Process Dependency Detection
123. Tax-collection costs, public welfare and the predatory state
124. Testing for autocorrelation in systems of equations
125. Tests for endogeneity and instrument suitability
126. The central role of noise in evaluating interventions that use test scores to rank schools
127. The Changing Demographics of Low-Income Families and Their Children
128. The Characteristics of Occupational Sub-Baccalaureate Students Entering the New Millennium
129. The difficulty of discerning what's too tight: Taylor rules and Japanese monetary policy
130. The Economic Cost of Community-Based Interventions to Improve Breast Cancer Control among African-American Women
131. The Economics of Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation in Developing Nations
132. The economic tragedy of the XXth century: Growth in Africa
133. The effects of extending intellectual property rights protection to developing countries: A case study of the Indian pharmaceutical market
134. The Federal Role in Vocational-Technical Education
135. The Malaysian Experience in Financial-Economic Crisis Management: An Alternative and Challenge the IMF-style Approach
136. The Organizational Efficiency of Multiple Missions for Community Colleges
137. The Plasticity of Participation: Evidence from a Participatory Governance Experiment
138. The Problem of Secrecy and the Opportunity for Openness in International Institutions
139. The Role of Civil Society in the Local Government Process
140. The Security Flag in the IPv4 Header
141. The theory of the state: An economic perspective
142. The Zero Bound on Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy
143. Touching art : intimacy, embodiment, and the somatosensory system
144. Trade and the Environment in Developing Economies
145. Urban Air Pollution, Health and Policy Instruments
146. Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation
147. Using Prosodic Features of Speech and Audio Localization in Graphical User Interfaces
148. Vertical integration, exclusive dealing, and ex post cartelization
149. Water Institutional Reforms in Developing Countries: Insights, Evidences, and Case Studies
150. Where Do Children in Low-Income Families Live?
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