61. Seasonality in future tropical lower stratospheric temperature trends Wang, Lei; Waugh, Darryn W. 2015 Articles Atmospheric temperatureGeophysicsGreenhouse gases--Environmental aspectsClimatic changesAtmosphere
62. Stress-induced anisotropy in granular materials: fabric, stiffness, and permeability Kuhn, Matthew R.; Sun, WaiChing; Wang, Qi 2015 Articles GeophysicsMaterials science
63. Tracking the Late Jurassic apparent (or true) polar shift in U-Pb-dated kimberlites from cratonic North America (Superior Province of Canada) Kent, Dennis V.; Kjarsgaard, Bruce A.; Gee, Jeffrey S.; Muttoni, Giovanni; Heaman, Larry M. 2015 Articles PaleoclimatologyGeophysics
64. Two summers of São Paulo drought: Origins in the western tropical Pacific Seth, Anji; de Avila Fernandes, Katia; Camargo, Suzana J. 2015 Articles ClimatologyDroughtsAtmosphereGeophysics
65. Vertical kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation in the ocean Thurnherr, Andreas M.; Kunze, E.; Toole, J. M.; St. Laurent, L.; Richards, K. J.; Ruiz-Angulo, A. 2015 Articles Internal waves--Mathematical modelsMeridional overturning circulationOcean waves--Mathematical modelsHydrologyGeophysics
66. Weaker axially dipolar time-averaged paleomagnetic field based on multidomain-corrected paleointensities from Galapagos lavas Wang, Huapei; Kent, Dennis V.; Rochette, Pierre 2015 Articles GeomagnetismPaleomagnetismGeophysics
67. A chronology of Holocene and Little Ice Age glacier culminations of the Steingletscher, Central Alps, Switzerland, based on high-sensitivity beryllium-10 moraine dating Schimmelpfennig, Irene Lois; Schaefer, Joerg M.; Akçar, Naki; Koffman, Tobias N.; Finkel, Robert C.; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Schwartz, Roseanne G.; Zimmerman, Susan; Schlüchter, Christian 2014 Articles Climatic changesGeophysicsPaleoclimatologyHolocene Geologic PeriodMoraines
68. A comparison of approaches to the prediction of surface wave amplitude Dalton, Colleen A.; Hjorleifsdottir, Vala; Ekström, Göran 2014 Articles Surface waves (Oceanography)Free earth oscillationsWaves, SeismicElastic wave propagationSeismic tomographyGeophysicsPlate tectonics
69. A Fiji multi-coral δ¹⁸O composite approach to obtaining a more accurate reconstruction of the last two-centuries of the ocean-climate variability... Dassié, Emilie P.; Linsley, Braddock; Corrège, Thierry; Wu, Henry C.; Lemley, Gavin M.; Howe, Steve; Cabioch, Guy 2014 Articles PaleoceanographyCoralsPaleoclimatologyChemical oceanographyGeophysicsClimatic changesGeochemistry
70. A fixed sublithospheric source for the late Neogene track of the Yellowstone hotspot: Implications of the Heise and Picabo volcanic fields Anders, Mark H.; Rodgers, David W.; Hemming, Sidney R.; Saltzman, Janet; DiVenere, Victor J.; Hagstrum, Jonathan T.; Embree, Glenn F.; Walter, Robert C. 2014 Articles Volcanic fieldsCalderasGeology, StructuralNeogene Geologic PeriodGeophysicsGeologyPlate tectonicsGeochemistry
71. Arrival-angle anomalies across the USArray Transportable Array Foster, Anna; Ekström, Göran; Hjorleifsdottir, Vala 2014 Articles GeophysicsMathematics
72. Bathymetric and oceanic controls on Abbot Ice Shelf thickness and stability Cochran, James R.; Jacobs, Stanley; Tinto, Kirsteen J.; Bell, Robin E. 2014 Articles GeophysicsIce shelvesBathymetric mapsGravity--Data processing
73. Bathymetric control of tidewater glacier mass loss in northwest Greenland Porter, David F.; Tinto, Kirsteen J.; Boghosian, Alexandra; Cochran, James R.; Bell, Robin E.; Manizade, Serdar S.; Sonntag, John G. 2014 Articles GeophysicsFjordsGlaciersBathymetric mapsGravity--Data processing
74. Detection and characterization of 0.5–8 MeV neutrons near Mercury: Evidence for a solar origin Lawrence, David J.; Feldman, William C.; Goldsten, John O.; Peplowski, Patrick N.; Rodgers, Douglas J.; Solomon, Sean C. 2014 Articles Solar activityNeutrons--MeasurementGeophysics
75. Export and circulation of ice cavity water in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica Thurnherr, Andreas M.; Jacobs, S. S.; Dutrieux, Pierre; Giulivi, Claudia 2014 Articles Sea iceGeophysicsOcean temperatureOceanography
76. Full-depth englacial vertical ice sheet velocities measured using phase-sensitive radar Kingslake, Jonathan; Hindmarsh, Richard C. A.; Aoalgeirsdottir, Guofinna; Conway, Howard; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Gillet-Chaulet, Fabien; Martin, Carlos; King, Edward C.; Mulvaney, Robert; Pritchard, Hamish D. 2014 Articles Ice--DynamicsGlaciology--MethodologyIce sheetsGeophysicsHydrology
77. Geologic implications of gas hydrates in the offshore of India: Krishna-Godavari Basin, Mahanadi Basin, Andaman Sea, Kerala-Konkan Basin Kumar, Pushpendra; Collett, Timothy; Boswell, Ray; Cochran, James R.; Lall, Malcolm; Mazumdar, Aninda; Ramana, Mangipudi; Ramprasad, Tammisetti; Riedel, Michael; Sain, Kalachand; Sathe, Arun; Yadav, U.S. 2014 Articles GeophysicsGeochemistryNatural gas--HydratesContinental marginsCore drilling
78. Geologic implications of gas hydrates in the offshore of India: Results of the National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01 Collett, Timothy; Boswell, Ray; Cochran, James R.; Kumar, Pushpendra; Lall, Malcolm; Mazumdar, Aninda; Ramana, Mangipudi; Ramprasad, Tammisetti; Riedel, Michael; Sain, Kalachand; Sathe, Arun; Vishwanath, Krischna 2014 Articles GeophysicsGeochemistryContinental marginsNatural gas--HydratesCore drilling
79. Geophysical signatures of past and present hydration within a young oceanic core complex Blackman, Donna K.; Slagle, Angela L.; Guerin, Gilles; Harding, Alistair 2014 Articles GeophysicsHydrologyOceanography
80. Ion kinetic properties in Mercury's pre-midnight plasma sheet Gershman, Daniel J.; Slavin, James A.; Raines, Jim M.; Zurbuchen, Thomas H.; Anderson, Brian J.; Korth, Haje; Baker, Daniel N.; Solomon, Sean C. 2014 Articles Plasma (Ionized gases)MagnetosphereSolar windGeophysics