161. Measuring the Impact of Historic District Designation on Real Estate in New York City Lewis, Julia Barksdale 2014 Theses Real estate developmentHistoric districtsHistoric preservation
162. Sheet Scaling in Mohegan Granite: Intrinsic & Extrinsic Factors Stone, Karen 2014 Theses GraniteBuilding stones--DeteriorationHistoric preservationArchitecture
163. The comparative analysis of biological growth and common cleaners based on organism identification and biological mechanisms Pont, Jennifer 2014 Theses Cleaning compoundsBacterial growthArchitecture--Conservation and restorationHistoric preservationBiology
164. The Historic American Buildings Survey and Interpretive Drawing: Using Digital Tools to Facilitate Comprehensive Heritage Documentation Bopp, Susan Marie 2014 Theses Historic preservationHistoric buildingsDrawingArchitectural drawingHistoric American Buildings Survey
165. The Performance of Two Alkoxysilane Consolidants on Three Berea Sandstones Through Controlled Environmental Stress Cycling Swanson, Melissa Joanne 2014 Theses SandstoneHistoric preservationAlkoxysilanes
166. What’s On the Surface Does Matter: The Conservation of Applied Surface Decoration of Historic Stained Glass Windows Grieco, Alyssa 2014 Theses Stained glass windowsGlass painting and staining--Conservation and restorationHistoric preservation
167. William Sumner Appleton and The Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities: Professionalism and Labor Morache, William 2014 Theses Historic preservationOccupational prestigeAppleton, William S. (William Sumner), 1840-1903Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities
168. A Preservationist's Guide to the Harems, Seraglios, and Houses of Love of Manhattan: The 19th Century New York City Brothel in Two Neighborhoods Serratore, Angela K. 2013 Theses Historic preservationHistoric sites--Interpretive programsBrothelsHistoryArchitecture
169. Indicators of Success for Contentious Preservation Campaigns Walsh, Ryan 2013 Theses Architecture--PreservationHistoric preservationCultural property--ProtectionCity and Suburban Homes CompanyGrand Central Terminal (New York, N.Y.)
170. Piercing Poverty with Light, Air and Control 1887-1906: A Case for the Preservation of Eight New York City Small Parks Frazer, Jennifer Madeline 2013 Theses Historic preservationUrban parksCity planningHistory