21. A Dynamic Analysis of Licensing: The "Boomerang" Effect and Grant-Back Clauses Choi, Jay Pil 1997 Reports Economics
22. A Dynamic Theory of China-U.S. Trade: Making Sense of the Imbalances Bhide, Amar; Phelps, Edmund S. 2005 Reports EconomicsBalance of tradeEconomic development--Effect of technological innovations on
23. AFL-CIO Aims to Capture Congress on Financial, Not Intellectual, Grounds Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 2007 Essays Managerial economicsEconomics
24. African Traditional Healers and Outcome: Contingent Contracts in Health Care Leonard, Kenneth L. 2000 Reports Economics
25. African Traditional Healers: Incentives and Skill in Health Care Delivery Leonard, Kenneth L. 1998 Reports EconomicsPublic health
26. A Frictionless View of U.S. Inflation Cochrane, John H.; Bohn, Henning; Woodford, Michael 1999 Chapters (Layout Features) EconomicsPublic policy (Law)
27. After Maastricht: Public Investment, Economic Integration, and International Capital Mobility Findlay, Ronald E.; Clarida, Richard H. 1993 Reports Economics
29. After the Big Bang? Obstacles to the emergence of the rule of law in post-communist societies Hoff, Karla; Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2002 Reports Economics
30. Aggregate Land Rents and Aggregate Transport Costs Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Arnott, Richard J. 1981 Articles Economics