11. Institutions and Contract Enforcement Falk, Armin; Huffman, David; MacLeod, W. Bentley 2008 Articles CommerceIndustrial relations
12. Construction contracts (or "how to get the right building at the right price?") Chakravarty, Surajeet; MacLeod, W. Bentley 2006 Reports Business
13. Legal default rules : the case of wrongful discharge laws MacLeod, W. Bentley; Nakavachara, Voraprapa 2006 Reports Labor laws and legislationEmployees--Dismissal ofContracts
14. Legal default rules: The case of wrongful discharge laws MacLeod, W. Bentley; Nakavachara, Voraprapa 2006 Reports EconomicsLaw
15. Reputations, relationships and the enforcement of incomplete contracts MacLeod, W. Bentley 2006 Reports CommerceLaw
16. Reputations, relationships and the enforcement of incomplete contracts MacLeod, W. Bentley 2006 Reports Law
17. Hold-up and the evolution of investment and bargaining norms Dawid, Herbert; MacLeod, W. Bentley 2005 Articles Social normsStochastic systemsContracts