1. A Partial Intensity Invariant Feature Descriptor for Multimodal Retinal Image Registration Chen, Jian; Tian, Jie; Lee, Noah; Zheng, Jian; Smith, R. Theodore; Laine, Andrew F. 2010 Articles MedicineBiomedical engineering
2. Bayesian transduction and Markov conditional mixtures for spatiotemporal interactive segmentation Lee, Noah; Laine, Andrew F.; Ebadollahi, Shahram; Delepaz, Robert L. 2009 Articles Biomedical engineeringBayesian statistical decision theory
3. Bayesian Transductive Markov Random Fields for Interactive Segmentation in Retinal Disorders Lee, Noah; Laine, Andrew F.; Smith, R. Theodore 2009 Articles Biomedical engineeringBayesian statistical decision theoryMachine learning
4. Concept detection in longitudinal brain MR images using multi-modal cues Caban, Jesus J.; Lee, Noah; Ebadollahi, Shahram; Laine, Andrew F.; Kender, John R. 2009 Articles Biomedical engineeringDiagnosis--Computer programsSupervised learning (Machine learning)Brain--Tumors
5. Coronary Occlusion Detection with 4D Optical Flow Based Strain Estimation on 4D Ultrasound Duan, Qi; Angelini, Elsa D.; Lorsakul, Auranuch; Homma, Shunichi; Laine, Andrew F. 2009 Articles Biomedical engineering
6. Interactive Segmentation in Multimodal Medical Imagery Using a Bayesian Transductive Learning Approach Lee, Noah; Caban, Jesus; Ebadollahi, Shahram; Laine, Andrew F. 2009 Articles MedicineBiomedical engineering
7. In the Spotlight: Biomedical Imaging Laine, Andrew F. 2009 Articles MedicineBiomedical engineering
8. Lumen Border Detection of Intravascular Ultrasound via Denoising of Directional Wavelet Representations Katouzian, Amin; Angelini, Elsa D.; Lorsakul, Auranuch; Sturm, Bernhard; Laine, Andrew F. 2009 Articles Biomedical engineeringIntravascular ultrasonagraphy
9. Potential of Computer-Aided Diagnosis to Improve CT Lung Cancer Screening Lee, Noah; Laine, Andrew F.; Márquez, Guillermo; Levsky, Jeffrey M.; Gohagan, John K. 2009 Articles MedicineBiomedical engineering
10. Quantitative validation of optical flow based myocardial strain measures using sonomicrometry Duan, Qi; Parker, Katherine M.; Lorsakul, Auranuch; Angelini, Elsa D.; Hyodo, Eiichi; Homma, Shunichi; Holmes, Jeffrey W.; Laine, Andrew F. 2009 Articles MedicineBiomedical engineering