1. Cataclysmic Variables from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. III. The Third Year Szkody, Paula; Henden, Arne; Fraser, Oliver J.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Bochanski, John J.; Wolfe, Michael A.; Agüeros, Marcel Andre; Warner, Brian; Woudt, Patrick; Tramposch, Jonica; Homer, Lee; Schmidt, Gary; Knapp, Gillian R.; Anderson, Scott F.; Covey, Kevin; Harris, Hugh; Hawley, Suzanne; Schneider, Donald P.; Voges, Wolfgang; Brinkmann, J. 2004 Articles AstrophysicsCataclysmic variable starsCataclysmic variable stars--SpectraAstronomy
2. Cataclysmic Variables from The Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. The First Results Szkody, Paula; Anderson, Scott F.; Agüeros, Marcel Andre; Covarrubias, Ricardo; Bentz, Misty; Hawley, Suzanne; Margon, Bruce; Voges, Wolfgang; Henden, Arne; Knapp, Gillian R. 2002 Articles AstrophysicsCataclysmic variable starsCataclysmic variable stars--SpectraAstronomy