21. Object Knowledge and the Emergence of Language Lifter, Karin; Bloom, Lois 1989 Articles Children--LanguagePlayLanguage acquisition
22. One word at a time: The use of single-word utterances before syntax Bloom, Lois 1976 Monographs Cognition in childrenLanguage acquisitionDevelopmental psychology
23. Planning a First Lexicon: Which Words to Teach First Lahey, Margaret; Bloom, Lois 1977 Articles Language disorders in childrenPsycholinguisticsSpeech--Psychological aspectsChildren--LanguageChild developmentLanguage artsEducational psychologyDevelopmental psychology
24. Putting the Child (Back) into the Study of Language Acquisition Bloom, Lois 1997 Essays Language acquisitionChild developmentChildren--Language
25. Racism in Developmental Psychology Bloom, Lois 1992 Articles Developmental psychology--ResearchMinorities--ResearchDevelopmental psychologyRacism in the social sciencesEthnic groups--Research
26. Sources of meaning in the acquisition of complex syntax: the sample case of causality. Bloom, Lois; Capatides, Joanne Bitetti 1987 Articles Grammar, Comparative and general--SyntaxChild development--ResearchChildren--LanguageDevelopmental psychology
27. Structure and Variation in Child Language Bloom, Lois; Lightbown, Patsy; Hood, Lois; Bowerman, Melissa; Maratsos, Michael 1975 Articles Child developmentLanguage acquisitionMorphemicsDevelopmental psychology
28. Talking, understanding, and thinking: Developmental relationship between receptive and expressive language Bloom, Lois 1974 Chapters (Layout Features) Cognition in childrenLanguage acquisitionDevelopmental psychology
29. Talking with Feeling: Integrating Affective and Linguistic Expression in Early Language Development Bloom, Lois; Beckwith, Richard 1989 Articles InfantsExpression--Psychological aspectsLanguage acquisitionDevelopmental psychology
30. Technology and methodology Beckwith, Richard; Bloom, Lois; Albury, Don; Raqib, Abdul; Booth, Richard 1985 Articles Child development--Research--MethodologyVideo recording