Search Results
2. Will Free Trade with Political Science Put Normative Economists out of Work?
3. Why the Trade Talks Collapsed
4. Why the Critics of Globalization Are Mistaken
5. Why the Critics of Globalization Are Mistaken
6. Why Multinationals Help Reduce Poverty
7. Why Doha Is Inescapable
8. Why Doha Is Inescapable
9. Why Asia Must Opt for Open Regionalism on Trade
10. Whither the Global Negotiations?
11. Wheel of Fortune
12. What Really Happened in Seattle
13. What Do Commissars Do?
14. Welfare-Theoretical Analyses of the Brain Drain
15. Washington's Inevitable Tilt Towards New Delhi
16. Wanted: New Rules to Transact the Business of International Agencies
17. Wanted: Jubilee 2010 Against Protectionism
18. United States Trade Policy at the Crossroads
19. Trading for Development: Poor Countries Caveat Emptor
20. Trade Policy and Economic Welfare
21. Trade Liberalisation and "Fair Trade" Demands: Addressing the Environmental and Labour Standards Issues
22. Trade in Place of Migration
23. Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth
24. Trade and Poverty in the Poor Countries
25. Trade and Poverty in the Poor Countries
26. Time to Bargain
27. Time for a Rethink
28. Three Alternative Concepts of Foreign Exchange Difficulties in Centrally Planned Economies
29. Third World Intellectuals and NGOs Statement Against Linkage
30. The West German Gastarbeiter System of Immigration
31. The Welfare Consequences of Directly Unproductive Profit-Seeking (DUP) Lobbying Activities: Price versus Quantity Distortions
32. The Watering of Trade
33. The Truth About Trade
34. The Threats to the World Trading System
35. The Theory of Wage Differentials: Production Response and Factor Price Equalisation
36. The Theory of Preferential Trade Agreements: Historical Evolution and Current Trends
37. The "Stationarity" of Shadow Prices of Factors in Project Evaluation, with and without Distortions
38. The Selfish Hegemon Must Offer a New Deal on Trade
39. The Seattle Fiasco: President Clinton's Failure or Triumph?
40. The Pure Theory of International Trade
41. The Post-Nuclear Deterrent
42. The Muddles over Outsourcing
43. The Jeep That Couldn't
44. The International Trading System
45. The International Monetary System: Issues in the Symposium
46. The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem in the Multi-Commodity Case
47. The Great Trade Debate
48. The Global Correspondence Principle: A Generalization
49. The Global Age: From a Sceptical South to a Fearful North
50. The Generalized Theory of Transfers and Welfare: Bilateral Transfers in a Multilateral World
51. The General Equilibrium Theory of Effective Protection and Resource Allocation
52. The Gains from Trade Once Again
53. The Explanation
54. The Diminished Giant Syndrome
55. The Democrats' Dilemma: Choice between Loving Healthcare and Hating Trade
56. The Case for Free Trade
57. The Capital Myth: The Difference Between Trade in Widgets and Dollars
58. The Capital Myth
59. The Byrd Amendment Is WTO-Illegal: But We Must Kill the Byrd with the Right Stone
60. The Brain Drain, International Integration of Markets for Professionals and Unemployment: A Theoretical Analysis
61. The Brain Drain: Determinants Measurement and Welfare Effects
62. The Age of Flux
63. Ten Years Ago in FP
64. Technology, Not Globalization, Is Driving Wages Down
65. Tax Policy in the Presence of Emigration
66. Tariff Change, Foreign Capital, and Immiserization: A Theoretical Analysis
67. Studies in the Pure Theory of International Trade
68. Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises
69. Socialism and Indian Economic Policy
70. Smuggling and Trade Policy
71. Shock Treatments
72. Shifting to High Gear
73. Shadow Prices for Project Selection in the Presence of Distortions: Effective Rates of Protection and Domestic Resource Costs
74. Samurais No More
75. Rough Trade
76. Roots of Neglect - The Child and the State in India by Myron Weiner Princeton
77. Review of Sachs-Varshney-Bajpai and Lal Books on India
78. Revenue Seeking: A Generalization of the Theory of Tariffs--a Correction
79. Reshaping the WTO
80. Remembering Charlie
81. Religion in Public Space
82. Religion as DUP Activity
83. Regionalism versus Multilateralism
84. Reflections on Climate Change and Trade
85. Quid Pro Quo Foreign Investment and Welfare: A Political-Economy-Theoretic Model
86. Quid Pro Quo Foreign Investment
87. Putting Politics Before Principles: Trade and Immigration Policies at Risk
88. Protectionism: Old Wine in New Bottles
89. Protectionism
90. Preface for Symposium on Globalization and the Brain Drain in the Journal of Development Economics, 2010
91. Poverty and Public Policy
92. Postscript
93. Political Will, Not Just Aid, Can Lift Africa out of Despair
94. "PM Needs Economists Who Are Down on the Ground, Not Famous and Ageing Superstars''
95. Planning Theory and Techniques
96. Philosophy of Reich
97. Optimal Trade Policy and Compensation under Endogenous Uncertainty: The Phenomenon of Market Disruption
98. Optimal Policies and Immiserizing Growth
99. On Transfer Paradoxes and Immiserizing Growth: Part II
100. On Transfer Paradoxes and Immiserizing Growth: Part I
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