A letter of confirmation


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will have notice of the presents, greetings in the bestower of salvation.  We wish it to be manifest to all by the content of the presents that master Mortun son of Mortun and Thomas son of Boxa of Chychou coming into our presence showed us the charter of lord Ladislaus, illustrious king of Hungary our dearest consort, composed on the granting of the reginal land called Sikár, asking with urgency that we deign to confirm by our charter that we hold that charter [of Ladislaus] as firm, agreeable and accepted.  The content of which is [Ladislaus, CD 5/2.519-21, dated 1279].  We therefore agreeing to the just and legitimate requests of those master Mortun and Thomas, considering especially their loyalties and services in different military expeditions of our kingdom carried out in loyalty to the royal crown, [we] gave and left said land Sikár with the good will and consent of our barons with all its uses and appurtenances to those master Mortun and Thomas and their heirs subsequently to be possessed perpetually and peacefully, confirming the charter of our said lord king inserted in the presents word for word.  To put them into bodily possession of said land Sikár I introduced through our man, count/ispán Thogodou, under the witness of the chapter of our faithful of Hánta to whom we committed the investigation of that fact, in the presence of all the boundary-sharers and neighbors of that land with noone contradicting, as is evident in the letters of said chapter.  In memory and perpetual stability of which thing we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of master Paul provost of Veszprém, our faithful vicechancellor of our court in the 1281st year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Elisabeth Dei gratia regine Hungarie omnibus Christi fidelibus presentium notitiam habituris salutem in salutis largitore. Universis tenore presentium volumus fieri manifestum, quod magister Mortunus filius Mortun et Thomas filius Boxa de Chychou ad nostram accedentes presentiam exhibuerunt privilegium domini Ladislai illustris regis Hungarie consortis nostri karissimi super collatione terre reginalis Sykar vocate confectum petens cum instantia, ut ipsum privilegium ratum, gratum et acceptum habere ac nostro dignaremur privilegio confirmare. Cuius tenor talis est: (Következik IV. László 1279. évi privilégiuma, lásd RA 3024. sz.) Nos igitur iustis et legitimis petitionibus ipsorum magistri Mortunus et Thome acquiescentes, considerantes presertim fidelitates et servitia ipsorum in diversis expeditionibus regni nostri ob fidelitatem corone regie impensa, prefatam terram Sykar de beneplacito et consensu barronum [!] nostrorum cum omnibus utilitatibus suis et pertinentiis universis dedimus et reliquimus eisdem magistro Mortunus et Thome ac eorum heredibus consequenter perpetuo ac pacifice possidendam, privilegium domini nostri regis prefati de verbo ad verbum presentibus insertum confirmantes. Introduci faciendo eosdem in corporalem possessionem terre predicte Sykar per Thogodou bilotum hominem nostrum sub testimonio capituli Hantensis fidelium nostrorum, quorum inquisitioni commiseramus ipsum factum nemine contradictore existente presentibus commetaneis et vicinis omnibus ipsius terre, sicut per litteras capituli memorati nobis constitit evidenter. In cuius rei memoriam et perpetuam firmitatem presentes concessimus litteras duplicis sigilis sigilli [!] nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus magistri Pauli prepositi Wesprimiensis, aule nostre vicecancellarii fidelis nostri anno Domini Mo CCo LXXXo primo. 

Historical context:

The queen confirms a charter of her husband’s granting land to a loyal retainer.  The queen’s charter quoted the king’s, but it is not included in this edition.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 123, #191.





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