A letter from Simon of Clermont (1219, August)


Simon of Clermont


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

I, Simon of Clermont, make known to the present and the future, that though through the evil counsel of malevolent men I had recklessly departed from faith and homage to the noble lady countess Blanche, and her son, Thibaut, count of Champagne, at last having had the counsel of prudent men and my friends, by penance I was brought back to loyalty and homage to them, and I did that liege homage to them by which I became their liege man, except for allegiance to the count of Burgundy. I swore indeed in the presence of the lord bishop of Langres that I shall help my said lady and her son my lord Thibaut in good faith against every creature that might live and die, except against the count of Burgundy whose liege man I am before [I am] theirs. I also swore that with my castle of Clermont I will help them against every creature that might live and die, except said count from which I hold that castle. The viscounty of Montigny, on the other hand, and whatever I had and claimed in that town and its appurtenances, I released to them, the countess and her son. Also whatever I had in my domain at Aigeville and whatever I claimed in those which the foresaid countess and her son Thibaut, lord Rainier of Nogent, lord Haymo of Ecouen (?Escoz), the sons of Gerard Joute and the sons of Haycian have in that town and its appurtenances, I released completely to the countess and count. It is also to be known that I am their liege man for three fiefs, namely my castle of Hyz, which I hold from my father, the one which I have at La Ferte over the Aube and in the fairs of Champagne, which is from my mother, and the one I have at Vendeuvre, which is on my wife’s part, and whatever is liege of those fiefs. That all these things noted by the letters may remain known and and kept in force, I have confirmed them with the protection of my seal. Enacted in the 1219th year of grace, in the month of April.

Original letter:

Ego Symon de Claro-monte notum facio tam presentibus quam futuris quod, cum iniquo malignorum consilio a fidelitate et hominagio nobilis domine Blanche comitisse et Th. comitis Campanie, nati ejus, temere recessissem, tandem habito prudentium virorum et amicoruin meorum consilio, penitencia ductus redii ad fidelitatem et hominagium eorumdem, et hominagium ligium eis feci per quod sum homo ligius eorum, salva ligeitate comitis Burgondie. — Juravi si quidem, in presentia domini Lingonensis episcopi, quod predictam dominam meam et Th. natum ejus, dominum meum, bona fide juvabo contra omnem creaturam que possit vivere et mori, preterquam contra comitem Burgondie, cujus sum homo ligius ante eos. — Juravi etiam quod de Claro-monte castello meo juvabo eos contra omnem creaturam que possit vivere et mori, preterquam contra predictum comitem, de quo castellum illud teneo. — Vicecomitatum autem de Montigniaco, et quicquid habebam vel clamabam in eadem villa et in appendiciis ejus, eisdem comitisse et filio ejus quitavi. — Quicquid etiam in domannio habebam apud Aigevillam, et quicquid clamabam in hiis, que predicti comitissa et Th. comes natus ejus, dominus Renerus de Nogento, dominus Haymo de Escoz, filii Gerardi Joute et filii Haycii habent in eadem villa et in appendiciis ejus, comitisse et comiti totum quitavi. — Sciendum est etiam quod de tribus feodis sum homo ligius eorum, videlicet de Hyz castello meo, quod teneo ex parte patris mei, de eo quod habeo apud Firmitatem super Albam et in nundinis Campanie, quod est ex parte matris mee, et de hoc quod habeo apud Vendoperam, quod est ex parte uxoris mee; et quodlibet istorum feodorum est ligium. — Ut autem hec omnia nota permaneant et rata teneantur litteris annotata, sigilli mei munimine roboravi.—Actum anno gratie MoCCo nonodecimo, mense aprili.

Historical context:

Simon declares his return to fidelity and homage to the countess and her son, and the fiefs he holds from them and those he has released to them.

Printed source:

Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.480, #1343.


1219, August



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