A letter from Alphonse of Poitiers (1265)


Alphonse of Poitiers


Marguerite of Provence

Translated letter:

To the most excellent and his dearest sister, Marguerite, by the grace of God illustrious queen of the French, Alphonse, son of the king of France, count of Poitiers and Toulouse, greetings and a will prepared to [do her] pleasure with fraternal love. On what you signified to us in your letters about the citizens of Bayonne detained in Paris, we let your excellency know that we altogether supported the will of the most excellent and dearest lord our brother Louis, king of the French, on those citizens in as much as it touched us. Dated Nogent-le-Roi, Sunday the day after the Assumption of the blessed virgin Mary.

Original letter:

Excellentissime et karissime domine ac sorori sue M., Dei gratia regine Francorum illustri, Alfonsus, etc., salutem et cum fraterna dilectione paratam ad beneplacita voluntatem. Super eo quod nobis per vestras significastis litteras de civibus Baionensibus detentis Parisius, excellentie vestre duximus intimandum quod ipsos cives, in quantum nos tangit, excellentissimi et karissimi domini ac fratris nostri Ludovici, regis Francorum, omnino supposuimus voluntati. Datum apud Nogentum Heremberti, dominica in crastino assumpcionis beate Marie virginis.

Historical context:

The queen asked her brother-in-law not to receive the men of Bayonne who had kept her sister, the queen of England, from getting the ships she needed to transport her army, in his land (ep.2027, 515.html).

Printed source:

Correspondance Administrative d'Alfonse de Poitiers, ed. Auguste Molinier (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1894), Collection de Documents indédits sur l'Histoire de France, 2.547-48, ep.2026.





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