1966 Reports
Internal waves in the Arctic Ocean
A theoretical investigation is made of free internal gravity waves in a rotating fluid. An exponential density profile similar to that of the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean is used. The dispersion relation and eigenfunctions of the vertical amplitude are calculated. An experimental investigation of temperature fluctuations at 60 and 125 meters was conducted at T-3 in the Arctic Ocean. Power spectra of the records show a rapid decrease of power with increasing frequency. (Author).
Geographic Areas
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Publisher
- Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University
- Series
- Technical report (Lamont Geological Observatory), no. 5
- LDEO Technical Reports
- Published Here
- September 2, 2020
"September 1966."
"CU-5-66-Nonr 266 (82)."