
Pregnancy Following Hysteroscopic Resection of a Leiomyoma and Oocyte Donation

Sauer, Mark V.; March, Charles M.

A successful pregnancy was established in a functionally agonadal woman using oocyte donation following resection of a large leiomyoma. The patient had a 6 × 6 cm intramural tumor with intracavitary extension. She was symptomatic with metrorrhagia. A conservative approach was undertaken in an attempt to restore normal endometrial anatomy. Hysteroscopic resection removed a 3 × 3 × 2 cm mass. Postoperatively, hysteroscopy was normal, and oocyte donation was performed. Implantation occurred, and a living, 3600 g female infant was delivered vaginally at 40 weeks gestation without complication. This case illustrates an approach to managing cavity-distorting leiomyomas in perimenopausal women interested in oocyte donation. When hysteroscopic resection of leiomyomas is successful, major surgery is avoided, and pregnancy, labor, and delivery may proceed normally.


Also Published In

Journal of Gynecologic Surgery

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Academic Units
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Published Here
August 20, 2012