A letter of donation


Baldwin VII
Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual Trinity.  I Baldwin, count of Flanders, and my mother, countess Clementia, [we] have given Crummedic and whatever I have there and Palathingadic and whatever I have there and the whole new tithe on the river Yser, between the land of St. Walburgis and Lammechinesnoc and whatever is increasing there up to now, and one mill above Lodic, this whole aforenamed (gift) for the remedy of the soul of my father, count Robert, and in the desire for the celestial fatherland to the church of St. Mary in Bourbourg, and I granted to abbess G[odild] and the other nuns serving God there to have for all time, and we confirmed with our seal.  Enacted at Bergen, in the 1110th year of the Lord, 9th kalends of November, in the reign of Louis, king of the Franks.  Cosigned and conbfirmed by the witness of clerics and laymen:  Fromold, provost of Furnes, Iggric, notary and Otger, notary; Everard of Casleto; Lebert, priest of Bourbourg; Thierry of Aria; Walter, son of Everard; Allard, son of Conon; Winnemar, castellan of Ghent; Gerard, castellan of Casleto; William, castellan of St. Omer; William, seneschal; Renar, cleric; Fromold, his brother; Thibaut of Aria; Fromold of Ypres; Ade of Formasela; Reingot of Molembeke; Walter of Courtray; Osto, butler; Baldwin, chamberlain, Hugo, chamberlain, Reinger, seneschal; Rober Freco, Wilbald Mernes, Fucrolf Puli.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Ego Balduinus, comes Flandrensis, et mea genitrix, comitissa Clementia, Crummedic et quitquid habeo ibi, et Palathingadic et quitquid habeo ibi, et novam decimam super flumen Ysaram totam, inter terram sancte Walburgis et Lammechinesnoc et quitquid ibi adhuc crescendum est, et unum molendinum super Lodic, hoc totum prenominatum (donum) pro remedio anime mei patris, Roberti comitis, et desiderio celestis patrie, ecclesie sancte Marie in Broburch donavimus, et G(odilde) abbatisse et ceteris monialibus, ibi Deo famulantibus, omni tempore habenda concessi, et sigillo nostro confirmavimus. Actum Bergis, anno Domini M°. C°. undecimo, ix° kalendas Novembris, regnante Ludowico, Francorum rege. Consignatum et corroboratum est clericorum et laicorum testimonio: Fromoldi, Furnensis prepositi; Iggrici, notarii, et Otgeri, notarii; Everardi de Casleto, Leberti, sacerdotis de Brobuc; Theoderici de Aria; Walteri, filii Everardi; Allardi, filii Cononis; Winnemari, castellani Gandensis; Gerardi, castellani de Casleto; Willelmi, castellani de sancto Audomaro; Willelmi, dapiferi; Renari, clerici; Fromoldi, fratris eius; Thebaldi de Aria; Fromoldi de Ypra; Ade de Formazele; Reingoti de Molembeke; Walteri de Curtray; Ostonis Pincerne; Balduini, camerarii; Hugonis, camerarii; Reingeri, dapiferi; Roberti Greci; Wibaldi Mernes, Fucrolfi Pulii.

Historical context:

Count Baldwin VII and his mother the countess make donations of land and a tithe on the Yser river to the abbey at Bourbourg.

Printed source:

Un cartulaire de l’abbaye de Notre Dame de Bourbourg, ed. Ignace de Coussemaker (Lille:  Cucoulombier, 1882-91), 1.9, #12; also in F. Vercauteren, Actes des Comtes de Flandres, 1071-1128 [Brussels:  Palais des Academies 1938], #54, p.134-37.


1111, October 24



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