A letter from John VIII, pope ()


John VIII, pope


Angelberga of Italy

Translated letter:

Since you fulfilled our order about Wilbert and beg for him a penitent, that he be able to enjoy the position of a minor office in another country, excusing him for having committed perjury against John in ignorance, and testifying that he is most useful to ruling and defending the people, we, moderately moved, grant this useful request of yours to your power according what we have learned is your desire.

Original letter:

Quia nostrum de Wilberto implesti praeceptum et supplicas pro eo penitente, ut perfrui possit in altera patria minori magistratus officio, excusans eum ignoranter commississe in Iohanne periurium, et testans eundem fieri utillimum ad regendum et defendendum populum, nos hac utili postulatione tua temperanter commoti vestrae potestati concedimus exinde, secundum quod a te desideratum comperimus esse.

Historical context:

The pope grants the queen’s request that Wilbert, whom he had asked her to depose for crimes apparently unwitting against a lector of the church, be given a position in another country. A note from the editor, Ericus Caspar, to epistle 5 says we know nothing of a marques Wilbert during the papacy of John VIII; the letters are not in the register nor in canon collections, but they are preserved in manuscripts.

Printed source:

MGH 5.333, Iohannis VIII, Papae Epistolae Dubiae ep.7; Jaffe, 3031.



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