2018 Chapters (Layout Features)
Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition: The importance of production systems and agrobiodiversity for Mexico
As the largest country in Central America, Mexico has long served as a regional leader in achieving international poverty and hunger reduction goals. But in the post-2015 era, Mexico can only achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 to end hunger for all and by everyone by prioritizing three types of food production interventions. Traditional agroecological management systems, such as polycultural and agroforestry systems, are the source of dietary diversity in traditional Mexican diets and as such must be protected in the context of climate change. But with the double burden of malnutrition, whereby 12% of children under 5 years old are stunted and 30% of children and adolescents are overweight and obese, policymakers and advocates should identify interventions that enhance the sustainability and nutritional value of food production systems while preserving the authenticity and vibrancy of traditional Mexican food culture. By ensuring these interventions are designed equitably, will require consultation with smallholder farmers, who comprise 75% of all farmers nationwide in Mexico
Nuria - 2018 - InnovaciĆ³n para el desarrollo sostenible.pdf application/pdf 17 MB Download File
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- International Research Institute for Climate and Society
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- February 7, 2024